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Siranush G. Karapetyan, PhD

Siranush G. Karapetyan, PhD

Speech therapist at
Speech therapist


1978-1982 Moscow Lenin State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Defectology


Professional activity

Since 2004 Associate Professor at ASPU Department of Logopedics and Rehabilitation Therapy

Since 1996 Consultant of Neurological, Neurosurgical Department of the Republican Military Hospital

Since 1982 “Muratsan” polyclinic, speech therapist

2003-2008 Chief speech therapist of RA Ministry of Health

2002 Assistant at the Department of Defeatology ASPU

1995-2002 Armenian Center for Logopedic Services of the Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU)

1982-2000 School No. 60 after Vahan Teryan, speech therapist

1999 Lecturer, Department of Defeatology, ASPU

1990-1996 Republican Military Hospital, speech therapist


Scientific activity

2002 PhD thesis defense, PhD degree is awarded

Co-author of 7 scientific articles

Since 2006 Supervisor of post-graduate students and aspirants of ASPU, Department of Logopaedics and Rehabilitation Therapy

Since 1999 Supervisor of thesis of Master’s degree students at ASPU, organization of scientific and methodological seminars


Social activity

2009 Author of the new educational program “Towards Education for Everyone” -2 by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia


Professional trainings

2014 “Therapeutic Opportunities for Patients with Severe Cranial and Apolitic Syndrome”, Yerevan, Armenia

Participation in many international and republican conferences, seminars



2006-2012 Member of Professional Council

2010 Member of Working Group for development of Qualification State Educational Standards for Bachelor and Master’s Higher Education

Since 2014 Member of Editorial Board of Scientific-methodological journal “Problems of Special Education”



2007 “Honor certificate”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of ASPU

2003 “Honor certificate” for education of qualified pedagogical staff of ASPU

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